Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A LINE in TIME 5-31-2011

Greetings, Y'all Poets, Bards, n Troubadours,

Memorial Day is done and gone. Hope y'all remembered all those who've given all, or nearly all, for the rest of us. Hope your BBQ was done to perfection, the surf at the beach ideal, the concert or the show rocked. If you stayed home, I hope it was warm and quiet or warm an inviting. In all, I hope your 3-day weekend was a rewarding one. If you spent it cutting grass and breakin' a sweat, maybe you at least washed it out with a really cold beer or wrote a poem on it.

FLASH!!!  URGENT ALERT!!!  There are only 30 days left to submit poems, photos, artwork to Skipping Stones for consideration for publication in Volume VII planned for release in November.  But we gotta absolutely MUST have your $5 submission fee and up to 5 poems NOT LATER THAN midnight June 30.  Digital copy in Word Perfect, MS Word, pdf, or WordPad formats; graphics in pdf or jpg formats. See details [what, when, how] on the website ChesBayPoets.org and click on the picture of Skipping Stones Vol VII.

Congratulations to Bob Young of Virginia Beach on the publication of his new (and long overdue) book of poems If Not Now When published by Poetica Publishing Company.  Click on the title for a link to the publisher to order. Or you can wait for him to rock and roll through doing a reading.  Additional congratulations to Chesapeake poet Phyllis Johnson for her fourth book of poems, Poetic Dreamer.

Friday evening the Prime-Time Poetry Show will entertain your need for verse in your ear and a venue for you to read as well at Bean There Cafe in downtown Norfolk.

Remember THIS Saturday is the last of the current season, the last of the PSV Saturday Series Poetry Reading at the Williamsburg-James City County Regional Library at Norge. Now say that ten times fast without reading it...and instead of PSV, let it be fully spelled out - Poetry Society of Virginia. Go ahead. Maybe, instead of that, just show up Saturday morning at the Norge library ready to hear some of the best poetry you are likely to encounter the rest of this entire year.  The new series will pick up again in September.

http://ChesBayPoets.org tells most all, albeit misses one or another from time to time. Most of the cited events and venues can be found on the website, often on a link on the Home page or at least from the link to Monthly/Weekly events on the front page as well as from elsewhere inside the website.

The Venue at 35th Street in Norfolk hosts an evening of open mic entertainment from music to story-telling to poetry to drama every Monday evening and late-week and weekend entertainment most of the time. Check 'em out at www.venue-35.com

Tuesday next week look for Word-4-Word Poets.  ChesBayPoets.org click on the link in the RH sidebar on the Home page. Challenge is to look at your bookshelf at home and pick one word from the title of each of ten books, then write a poem using them one per line.  [not part of the challenge, it might be interesting to list the ten books you selected from your bookshelf, though not necessarily within the poem].

Look ahead to the Hampton Roads Writers third annual Writers' Conference at the Double Tree Inn in Virginia Beach.

Looking to pick up a few bargain books or such? Mary Kledzik wants to help. She's having a yard sale on Saturday, June 4th, 8 AM—1PM at 1027 Magnolia Ave. Norfolk. Rain date: Sunday afternoon. I’m selling at least a hundred poetry books and journals for bargain prices. Many are hardback and signed by the authors. Also, have hundreds of art and literary books.
Mary Jean Kledzik. Hope you can come!

Writing won't make you fat, nor get you drunk. But if we don't munch and drink while writing and sharing our stuff, then why do we do it? - write, I mean.

Hoo ahhhhhhhhh
          pete/the mindworm

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